High-Energy Foods To Boost Your Immune System

7 High-Energy Foods to Boost Your System

During the menstruation phase of your cycle, your body undergoes some changes that include tiredness. But do not worry, a balanced (and delicious) diet can help to support you during this time. The key is to have a good look at what you are eating and choose foods that will boost your energy during your period– foods that are rich in nutrients - so that everything you eat is beneficial for your body and your mind.


That is why we have prepared this incredible list of healthy foods to give you energy during the day:


Fish is one of the healthiest foods you can find! It’s rich in iron, which makes up for the blood loss that happens during your period and that makes it one of the best foods to eat during your menstrual cycle. It is also the perfect food to eat for reducing menstrual cramps. You can prepare it in less than 10 minutes, and pair it with your favourite vegetables.


Dairy Products

During menstruation, calcium and vitamin D levels tend to drop in the body, and this often leaves you exhausted. To make up for this, milk and dairy products are foods full of energy to give you that much-needed boost. Plus, the levels of protein that it has will help you not to get hungry so soon, and if you combine it with oats the result will be incredible.



With abundant carbohydrates and sugars, bananas should be part of your diet of what to eat during your periods because  of the energy boost it gives you. They are also high in fibre, which will help keep your energy levels stable and avoid that unpleasant "crash" that other processed sugars may give you.



Oats are rich in zinc, which is your best ally when it comes to avoiding a cold. Plus, it contains magnesium and vitamin B complex, which is necessary to produce energy for the body and makes it one of the most important foods to eat during your periods. A large bowl of oatmeal gives you a slow-release source of energy, allowing you to stay active longer. Its rich fibre content also helps with fluid retention.



If you are still asking, “what can I eat to boost my energy levels during my period?”, eggs are the answer. They are full of amino acids that help repair muscles and are a great source of protein. Plus, they contain omega-3 fats, which reduce inflammation, making them an ideal food for energy recovery. They also provide vitamin B6, which balance hormones with an antidepressant effect.



A handful of walnuts and almonds in the morning will help balance your blood sugar levels throughout the day. The magnesium in nuts help fight anxiety and abdominal cramps, while walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds are the most recommended fruits for their relaxing qualities.



With all eight essential amino acids, this nutty-flavoured grain can be eaten as a cereal and is the reason why we find most of its calories in the form of complex carbohydrates. Quinoa features a large dose of folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese, making it one of the healthiest foods to give you energy during the day.


Do not have any quinoa? That is okay. Rice, bread or white pasta can be substituted for dishes that help manage triglyceride levels and improve blood pressure, intestinal health and energy levels.


The advice provided in this material is general in nature and is not intended as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your health care professional.



Villanueva, Elena (August 23, 2017). El Universal: 7 Foods You Should Eat During Your Menstrual Cycle. Recovered from: https://www.comenaranjas.com/es/blog/473-7-alimentos-saludables-para-acabar-el-dia-con-energia-1-te-va-a-gustar

Gómez, Edith (October 17, 2016). EATENARANJAS: 7 Healthy foods to give you energy during the day. Recovered from: https://www.comenaranjas.com/es/blog/473-7-alimentos-saludables-para-acabar-el-dia-con-energia-1-te-va-a-gustar

Díaz, Ana (May 20, 2013). NEW WOMAN: 7 Foods full of energy. Recovered from: https://www.nuevamujer.com/gourmet/2013/05/20/7-alimentos-llenos-de-energia.html

Guisasola, Marisol (November 15, 2014). Mujerhoy.com: 10 Foods to gain energy. Retrieved from: http://www.mujerhoy.com/salud/dietas/alimentos-para-ganar-energia-839994112014.html

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