Guess what? Your menstrual cycle is not just your period.

28 days is the average length of a menstrual cycle. We say 'average,' but your cycle can last anywhere between 21 days to 35 days, and that is completely normal! You probably knew that, but did you know your menstrual cycle consists of four unique phases? Your hormones also play a massive role in all of this, yet they often remain a total mystery, leaving us feeling like our bodies are somehow failing us. Ready for the truth? Your body is amazing, girl, and that menstrual cycle of yours is actually the mastermind behind many amazing things happening in your life. So, come on! Take control of your hormonal health, embrace your body and work with it. It’s time to make every cycle count.

The four phases of your cycle

Phase 1: Menstruation Phase.

Welcome to the first phase of your menstrual cycle! Your body is upset because there's no baby (such a drama queen) and is now shedding its uterine lining. You will lose a lot of iron, so it's important to restore it with food rich in iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Your energy is REALLY low, and you might also experience some discomfort and PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms. But don’t stress, girl! Kotex has got you covered with the perfect dynamic duo, Kotex Maxi or Ultra-thin Pads and Tampons, to keep you feeling dry and comfy throughout your menstrual phase.

Phase 2: Follicular Phase.

Phase 2 gets right down to business and grows the endometrial lining of your uterus again! Your testosterone and estrogen levels also rise, so your energy is back and ready for endurance or resistance training! As your body prepares for ovulation, try to include food that will support cell growth, like complex carbohydrates and vitamin B-rich foods. Your discharge will change from dry on day 7 to sticky on day 8, to an egg white consistency right before ovulation. But no need to worry, because the ultimate sidekick to pads and tampons is here, a.k.a. the trusted Kotex Pantyliner.

Phase 3: Ovulation Phase.

Ovulation Phase arrives and releases an egg from your ovary. How cool is that?! As it travels down your fallopian tubes, your estrogen and testosterone are at their peak. You are most fertile during this phase and your discharge will be an egg-white consistency. Your oxytocin, known as the love hormone, is also at its highest. Basically, you look and feel great, so your sex drive is alive and well. (Girl, enjoy it!)

Phase 4: Luteal Phase.

It’s the last phase of your cycle, and it’s not leaving anytime soon! Your progesterone levels rise, which causes a sharp decrease in your sex drive, and you might experience PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). Symptoms include feeling low, anxiety, and fatigue, so try to focus on exercises that manage emotional stress. But if you want to continue girl-bossing with an intense workout, just be aware that your body will take a bit longer to recover. Just before your period, you might experience some spotting. No stress! Your loyal companion to keep your favourite undies protected is none other than Kotex Pantyliners.